Whitmyer Contoured Cradle

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Discover comfort & support w/ Whitmyer Contoured Cradle. Customized solution for your unique needs. Get exceptional care from Highgate Healthcare. Buy Now!
SKU: XR-0016
The Contoured Cradle Head Support's positioning success is derived from its unique anatomic shape. Designed to cradle the occiput and provide lateral cervical support, this wheelchair head support supplies a high degree of comfort and positioning in a simple-to-adjust head support.
Detailed Specification
Large, Medium, Small, Large C-Plush, Medium C-Plush, Small C-Plush
Lateral Facial Supports:
Unilateral or Bilateral: Spot, Standard, Long, Oval, Large-C, Medium-C, Small-C, FS0-8
Anterior Support Options:
Dynamic Forehead Strap, DFS2, Strap Cap, Static Forehead Strap